"When the media reports on a death, yes, it is important to report the cause. What are they suppose to say, "sorry, but the coroners office told us cause of death, but we're not going to pass that information on to our viewers, even though thats our job." The kid killed himself, hate to break it to you, but that does qualify as news. I for one dont want my news censored because it my hurt someones feelings. Give us the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. I think your post might be the dumbest thing Ive ever read in my life. With all the things wrong with ESPN, reporting on a cause of death is not one of them. If you don't like freedom of the press, China is always looking for some cheap labor in their gulags".
I say that the media should leave the Dungy family alone and I suddendly become dumb and someone who doesn't beleive in the 1st amendment. In today's society if you have a different opinion on a subject, people feel it necessary to resort to name calling and character assination. I guess that the days of intellectual debates are over? The zeitgeist of the times calls for people to be lumped into groups and pigeon holed into certain beliefs. People from the South are no longer Southerners, we are Red Staters. As if every Southerner is a Republican. If you believe in God than you a Religous Right Wing Zealot. And if you are a Sourtherner, who is religous, then you are a Southern Right Wing Republican who voted for Charleston Heston as your President, because don't you know all Southerners own guns (Another Favorite). We are not free thinking adults we have become labels. Labels that have been conveinently defined by popular media outlets, who need content to fill the pages and airwaves that we consume only a daily basis. And this is why I feel that the media outlets should leave Tony Dungy and his family alone. Content! ESPN does not have to rely on another TO story because now they can dig into every minute detail of James Dungy's life. I watched yesterday, ESPN made James Dungy's funeral into star watch. Who was at the funeral? How will this effect the Colts chances of winning the Super Bowl? How will this effect Peyton's ability to read a defense? Lets go to Sal Palintonio to see how this will effect Marvin Harrison's ability to fart. It wasn't about James or Tony Dungy and the issues that caused this tragedy it was about Warren Sap, Herm Edwards et al who showed up to the church. This is what I have a problem with because ESPN is going to milk this through the Playoffs but they will be nowhere to be found 20 years from now when Tony Dungy is tromented by the thoughts that he could have done more for his son. But they don't have a problem taking advantage of someone's death in order to fill air time but what do I know all I want to do is piss on the Constitution because I am a Communist. Well I am off to buy my Che Guevera shirt, a copy of Marx's Communist Manifesto, a sickle and sledgehammer, and a one way ticket to China. Talk to you later Comrads.