Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tony Dungy

I just read an article that dealt with the death of Tony Dungy's son. I really feel for him because of his loss and I hope that ESPN and other media outlets leave him alone. This is not a time to park a reporter in Tampa and in Indy watching the every movement of the Dungy family. Let this family greave in peace. It is not a story that sports fans or celebrity watchers need to know, it is a personal issue. When I saw this story I was a little shocked because the media is so quick to report that it was an apperant suicide. Have they no shame? Is this really something we need to know? Couldn't they have just reported that he died and been done with it? In reporting that it was a suicide, it makes things worse for the family because the parents feel even more responsible for the death of their child . They are going blame themselves because they will think that there was more they could have done or they should have noticed that something was wrong. With the media coverage these emotions will only be intesified because of the attention that the story has been given and will receive. I wish that the executives, at the media outlets that are reporting this, lived under the same microscope that athletes and coaches operate, maybe then they would see that somethings should be off limits. As a society have we no shame?


Anonymous said...

When the media reports on a death, yes, it is important to report the cause. What are they suppose to say, "sorry, but the coroners office told us cause of death, but we're not going to pass that information on to our viewers, even though thats our job." The kid killed himself, hate to break it to you, but that does qualify as news. I for one dont want my news censored because it my hurt someones feelings. Give us the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. I think your post might be the dumbest thing Ive ever read in my life. With all the things wrong with ESPN, reporting on a cause of death is not one of them. If you don't like freedom of the press, China is always looking for some cheap labor in their gulags.

Jonathan said...

I could get upset by your message but I beleive that I will let it stand on it's own merit. By the way I like how you are really willing to stand up for your beliefs by leaving a name and email address.