Friday, December 16, 2005

Why Is ESPN Trying To Sell Me Madden 2006?

I was flipping through the channels the other day and came upon a show,on ESPN, that centered on guys playing Madden 2006 while wearing certain players NFL jersey. This has to be the most blatant scam I have seen in a while. All this show was a a more stylized version of the infommercials that come on late at night. The problem that I have is that ESPN tried to pawn this off as entertainment as oppossed to a commercial. The whole purpose of this show is to sell video games, much like the And 1 Mix Tour and tapes are meant to promote the shoe brand. How dumb do the ESPN executives think that we, as viewers, are? As consumers become tried of the constant barrage of advertisements companies are looking for new and creative ways to sell thier products. Hence the creation of the Madden 2006 competition show. I would really like to see the Neilson ratings for this show. I truly wonder if there were people who fell for this show?

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