Sunday, December 04, 2005

Trite Language

I have had it with these half-wit football announcers and their language. I have to believe that their is either a book or a school that these sports announcers have access to because they all use the same trite language. Where are the modern day Grantland Rices? Why have networks dumbed down sports broadcasts to extent that a flee would feel smarter than the sports announcers? It amazes me that pundits say that US citizens are becoming smarter but our entertainment outputs are absolutely mind numbing. The sad thing is there is a trickle down effect in terms of sports presentation. It flows from the top. National broadcasters to local sports talk radio hosts. There is no end to absolute simple analysis being delivered by simple people. Here are some of the phrases that make wish that music would be played rather than having announcers:
Barn Burner
Duck( meaning a bad pass)
Call Off the Dogs
Get on a Roll
Any type of BCS debate
Frozen Rope
Clicking on All Cylinders
Trickeration/Tickery : There is no such thing as a trick play
Big body/Big Boy/Big Fella
Good Hustle
Take It To Them
Battle In the Trenches
Quit Giving Up So Many Big Plays
Well Covered
Feel free to participate.

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