Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Call Me Crazy

Is it me or does the current NFL situation seem like two little kids fighting. Think about two little boys, who are about to fight, but both are too affraid to throw the first punch. So one of them draws a line in the dirt and tells the other that if he crosses then the fight is on. So the boy crosses the line and the other boy draws another and tells him that if he crosses that line then the fight is on. This last for an hour, until they both forget what they were going to fight over; so they decide that they make better friends than enemies so they make up. This is what I see the current relationship between the NFL and the Players Association. The Players Association, or should I say Gene Upshaw, has too much to lose by not making a deal because a number of his constituents stand to lose big time with the pending cuts do to the salary cap not be increased. These players will not be resigned to long term contracts because of the instability of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. So folks don't be surprised to see an agreement signed soon because the Players could loose alot.

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